“God so loved…He gave.” God the ultimate gift giver. He delights in giving good things to His children in seasons of joy or waiting. Tune in this Christmas as we looked the ultimate gift giver and are reminded of the intentional love of Jesus.
God is found in every circumstance. In the good. The bad. The ugly....He is always there providing good things in our everyday lives. And God delights in giving His children good gifts!
The longest period of waiting was around the time of Jesus' birth. The anticipation of the coming Savior seemed long overdue. But it was during that waiting, that God was working.
God gave us the ultimate gift...Jesus. Join us this Christmas Eve as we close out our 'Gifts' series, which shares the generous and sacrificial heart of Jesus. This series will challenge and encourage our hearts towards contentment and generosity. Tune in live online or in person today at 4 or 5:30PM.