Reading: Jonah 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever heard the military term “an about face”? What does it mean?  Like Jonah, who realized he was wrong and decided to change course to follow God, we oftentimes find ourselves doing the wrong things or going in the wrong direction. But just like Jonah, God gives us a second chance to change our ways.  This is part of the learning process.  However, change can not happen if we turn around and then just stand still. What needs to happen next?  That's right, we need to GO!  Change requires momentum and action.  God calls on us to actively follow him.

  2. What happened after Jonah repented and followed God’s call to talk to the people of Nineveh? (The people of Nineveh repented, a fancy word for turn around and change course. In return, God showed them grace and mercy.)  God uses us to be a blessing to others.

  3. What are some things you can do, starting today, to serve and follow God? Focus on your family's unique gifts and how you can share your blessings with others.

Challenge:  Find a way to serve God this week. Use your ideas from discussion question # 3. Suggestions include:

  1. Homeless Care Kits: https://allgiftsconsidered.com/how-to-make-homeless-care-kits-that-actually-help/

  2. Creating and sending thank you cards to local first responders

  3. Check with local food banks, shelters, and/or outreach facilities (Pittsburgh Food Bank, Butler Food Bank, Lighthouse, Light of Life Mission, World Vision, etc.) to see if they have any particular needs your family can help with.

  4. Secretly adopt a family. Choose a family to adopt for the year or just for the Holiday season.  Find little ways to bless them anonymously. Offer to babysit, send gifts on the holidays, bring dinners, have them over for fun, or send a grocery gift card. Keep their specific needs and lifestyle in mind.

  5. Focus on what your family is already involved in and find a way to serve those in your everyday lives, like school, work, or church.

Lauren Brown