March 26th Prayer Requests

Johnathan Hicks - While I don’t want to jinx anything, after all the postponements and rescheduling we are days away from (my brother) Keith’s hearing:

Please pray for the hearing to happen, the people needed to show, and there to be a favorable outcome for Keith leading up to this. 

This has been a long time coming and the D.A. seems to have it out for him for unknown reasons. If you are not familiar with his situation here’s a brief recap. 

He is a juvenile lifer (sentence when he was 16-17 in 95/96). It was decided a number of years ago that this is unconstitutional and as a result a large number of people need to be re-sentenced. The problem is there is no one way this has to happen and it up to each county to decide their fate so we really don’t know what to expect. There are a number of people on his side including prison guards but with all the changes I’m not sure who’s going to make it. 

I want to thank you first for taking the time to read this and if you chose to do so include Keith in your prayers. 

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