August 17 Prayer Requests

Dani K- I humbly ask that you pray for everyone returning to the school community. Please keep in mind those who are immunocompromised. My daughter is one of those folks— she has a very weak immune system and is a teacher. To be honest— she is so scared of returning to face to face instruction. The stress is already affecting her. God blessed them with a beautiful child after several miscarriages. That baby and his daddy need mommy to be well. They need mommy to lead and help shape their family. They need each other— and the Lord knows that we need them. Please pray for Lauren and all of those educators who face a scary and potentially dangerous return to the school community. Thank you.

Shannon - my neighbor's father had a stroke this week. Please be praying for his comfort and recovery.

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May 31 Prayer Requests

Oliva - I would really like some prayers for my grandfather. He lives in boston and his health is declining and it's really hard not being there with him.

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