More Urgency

Starter Question

Have you ever been caught in a bad storm? Whether it was a literal storm (& you have an action packed story to tell!) or a spiritual one, briefly share your experience with your group.

Message Questions

Read Jonah 2

Last week we talked about how the fish in Jonah’s story was more of a gift of provision rather than a punishment. Jonah went from running away from God and ignoring His direction, to offering up a prayer of thanksgiving to God while in the belly of the fish.

  • What do you think Jonah’s initial thoughts & feelings were while inside the fish?

  • How do you see Jonah starting to shift his perspective of going to Nineveh through his prayer to God?

Just like how Jonah found himself in the belly of a fish, we often can find ourselves in circumstances or seasons where we wish we could choose a different one. Where you felt trapped, stuck, depressed, discouraged, hurting, helpless, and like you had no options. But where we go and what we do with our pain makes all the difference.

  • How are our prayers different from “inside the fish” (hard seasons) than “from the shore”(good seasons)?

  • Take a moment to think back to one of those times in your life where you felt like you were “inside the fish” that you wished was different at the time. Take a step of courage to share with your group how God used a less than ideal time in your life to grow or challenge you.

Read Matthew 28:19-20

All throughout scripture we see the mission of Jesus…to make God’s name known even if that meant leaving the 99 to find the one. God will go to the greatest lengths to reach ‘the one’ and that is the exact mission God called Jonah to.

  • What does the imagery of Jesus leaving the 99 to find the one tell you about  just how much God sees & never loses sight of where you are in life?

As we focus on the mission of ‘one more’ in this next season, it’s important for us to remember the mission God has given us. To GO. Which might come with some fear or hesitations.

  • Share with your group any fears or doubts you have when it comes to going after ‘the one’. Take some time to encourage each other knowing that God has given us this mission Himself & has equipped us with everything we need to accomplish it.

Weekly Challenge

Write the name you wrote on the big sheep tag this week (your ‘one’) on a piece of paper & place it somewhere you will see it every day. Whether that’s above your sink while you wash dishes or your bathroom mirror while you brush your teeth in the morning…pray for your one every day this week. Pray that they would be open to hearing the good news that Jesus offers & that there would be a clear opportunity to invite them to Discovery.


Close your time together by choosing 2 people to pray for your group & consider these reminders as you pray:

  • God always leaves the 99 to find the 1 because He deeply loves & cares for you

  • God never loses sight of you & the season you are in

  • God will never take us to a place of desolation or pain without it reaping a harvest of provision

  • God has given us everything we need to share His word and hope with ‘the one’s’ in all of our lives

Kaitlyn Sartori