More Growing

Starter Question

Can you think of a time where someone invited you to something that made you feel included? Maybe you met some new friends or gained a new experience. Share with the group how this invite impacted you!

Message Questions

Read Jonah 3

These past three weeks, we have seen Jonah go on quite the journey. God didn’t specifically need Jonah to reach the Ninevites, but he CHOSE Jonah. Through just one man…God changed a whole city. And we can probably all guess that Jonah questioned more than once why God chose him to go to Ninevah.

  • Do you find it easy to doubt how God can use you (even if it’s in a small way) to reach others?

  • Was there a time where you said ‘yes’ to God and you saw Him do immeasurably more with what you gave?

Read Ephesians 4:11-16

The whole ideal of pursuing ‘the one’ and believing in the ‘more’ that God has for us, comes back to taking small but faithful steps. It can often feel like we need to do something grand or amazing to make an impact for God’s Kingdom when He really just wants our willingness to follow Him and to say yes to what He calls us to.

  • What is one way you were challenged this weekend to make a step of faith towards all that God wants to do through you? (I.E. Maybe you signed up for a new serving team, or have invited your one to Bring a Friend Sunday, or you are praying about increasing your financial commitment)

  • Looking specifically at verses 15 and 16, how do these verses remind you of the importance of bringing our unique purposes together to become one body for the sake of building up God’s church?

Weekly Challenge

Spend time some quiet time with God this week to ask Him to show you how you should be committing to Discovery and the immeasurably more He wants to do through you. Consider taking some time each day to pray over certain decisions, or take time to journal, or even take a walk after work every day to get quiet time with God.



We believe that you love us dearly and have designed each of us with a unique purpose. It can be easy to doubt how we can impact those around us or how you could possibly use us for your glory. May we all be reminded this week that our small steps of faith matter in the grand scheme of your Kingdom work here on earth. We pray in faith that you will show each of us ways that we can step out to serve or commit or try something new to fully see that you are a God of abundantly more. We also pray for all the ‘one’s out there. Would you be working through this group and the number of other’s at Discovery that are seeking out the ‘one’s you have placed on their hearts. Soften the hearts of those far from you.

Thank you for loving us and choosing us to do Kingdom work here on earth. In your name. Amen.

Kaitlyn Sartori