OUR partners

When you give to God through Discovery, a generous portion of your gift goes to our partners in ministry. Thank you!

A Night to Remember

ANTR is a formal evening of dancing, games, food, and friends. It is an evening in which special needs guests will be pampered and driven via limousine to a venue, where they will walk the red carpet, get their picture taken by paparazzi, enjoy appetizers and dance the night away with their friends.

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Mission to El Salvador

MTES exists to empower Salvadorans to find freedom to realize their dreams and pursue their futures. Discovery launched Jon & Danielle Snyder to start and lead MTES.


Stadia trains, equips, and sends church planters to start new churches who are bringing heaven to earth in their communities. They won’t stop until every child has a church!

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Mustard Seed Network

Mustard Seeds mission is to glorify God by making disciples through planting gospel-centered churches in urban Japan. They will see the cities of Japan saturated with and impacted by gospel-centered churches that further the global cause of Jesus Christ