Pixar, Week 3 - Ratatouille


Starter Question

If you could have an animal hide under your hat and make you shockingly good at one skill, what skill would you want, and what animal do you hope would control you?

Message Questions

Recently, many skilled workers have admitted to a sense of “Imposter Syndrome.” That is, feeling inadequate or like you don’t know what you’re doing, despite success or results. When have you felt like that?

What’s one of your fears when it comes to your job or the other work you do as an adult, a parent, with a side hustle, or even with your hobbies? What could failure look like, and how would it affect you?

How have you seen our obsession or ambition with careers go too far?

Read Mark 8:34-37. What do you think Jesus is saying in your own words?

Where have you been surprised to find someone full of contentedness and healthy pride in their life’s work?


Read Acts 4:13 & 1 Corinthians 1:26-27. Jesus broke cultural convention when he invited people from all kinds of backgrounds and pedigrees. Being the apprentice of a rabbi was typically reserved primarily for the brightest, richest, and well-connected. But Jesus’ recipe for changing the world meant calling, teaching, leading, and equipping anyone. And it worked better than anything in history! How does that make you feel about Jesus’ purpose for you?

What are some things Jesus has commissioned EVERYONE who follows him to do?

What are some things Jesus has likely called YOU to do?

This week, write a mission statement for your everyday work. The more specific, the better. Tie in what you actually do with Jesus’ general purposes for everyone.

Message Questions


It’s so easy to feel inadequate. To feel purposeless.

Memories of hurtful words ring in our ears. Moments of failure replay themselves in our brains. Our inner critic repeats greatest insecurities and fears back to us.

Remind us, Father—not just in our minds, but deep in our hearts—that you hand-crafted us. You designed our inner workings. Our personalities and gifting are custom-made. You’ve been scheming from before we were born about beautiful, meaningful ways we can contribute to your world.

Keep us from overthinking what that means. While we’d love for you to tell us exactly what you want us to do day-to-day, continually remind us that we already basically know what you want us to do: to love you with everything we have and to love our neighbors the same way we love ourselves.

Please keep that idea at the forefront of our minds. Rewrite our job descriptions for us with that at the top. Teach us to listen to your everyday promptings —like a rat hiding under our hat—so we can do what you most want us to do.

Thank you for Jesus, who promised to guide us through the Holy Spirit.


Todd Ransom