Pixar, Week 4 - Monsters, Inc.

Monsters, Inc.

Starter Question

When was the last time you were afraid and didn’t really need to be?

Message Questions

Matt said we’re typically motivated by two different emotions: desire and fear. Have you seen that to be true? Give some examples from places like work, in your family, or advertisements.

In the movie, Monstropolis was literally fueled by fear. Even if there are legitimate reasons to be concerned—and there typically are—problems can easily be magnified to further someone’s agenda. What are some common fearmongering messages that seem to fuel our society?

Matt said, “When we are fueled by fear, we fixate.” What does that mean in your own words?

Read 1 Peter 5:6-11. How can we practically give our fears to God?

This passage implies that fear can be an opening for temptation or lies from our spiritual enemies. How can fear make us vulnerable?

Read 1 John 4:16-19. What does God’s love do to our fear? How?


This also implies that the love we’ve received enables us to those we fear. What are some groups of people that our culture is typically afraid of, and why?

How does God’s love compels us and enable us to love those we might be afraid of?

In the movie, the monsters eventually realize that laughter is far more powerful than fear. What’s one way you can take a step closer this week to someone you’re tempted to fear?

Closing Prayer 


In your books, the same refrain is constantly on your lips: "Do not be afraid." It's the most common thing you say to your people.

Please help us to understand why because it's so natural for us to feel that way. We're surrounded by so many potential dangers both inside our bodies and out. Most of all, we're afraid of what others can do to us—rejection, manipulation, harassment, abuse, betrayal, deception. But most often, the pain others cause is unintentional.

We acknowledge and confess that we're afraid. And for some reason, we don't want to give it up. Our fear can give us more power. Our fear can keep us comfortable. Our fear helps us fit in with like-minded others. So, we protect it.

But you aren't afraid.

You bravely stepped into our skin and bones. You courageously subjected yourself to all the physical and emotional pain we feel. You put yourself in harm's way for us...even though we weren't anything like you...even though we didn't even like you.

You weren't afraid because you had confidence that everything painful could eventually be fixed. You weren't afraid because you had the wisdom to help navigate any conflict or misunderstanding. You weren't afraid because you knew that lasting power comes from love.

Fear is the great enemy of love because it keeps us apart. Show us how to have courage as soon as tomorrow to love where we're afraid. Walk with us and prompt us. Help us turn our internal screams into external laughter.


Todd Ransom