Pixar, Week 5 - Wall-E


Starter Question

What’s the most ridiculous doomsday prediction you’ve ever heard?

Message Questions

What are some common distractions that consume the attention of people around us?

Which of those distractions is most consuming of you?

Name someone you know that’s full of wonder. What kind of impression do they make on people around them?

Read Galatians 5:13-14. This passage talks about “Freedom.” From what kinds of things does Jesus want to give us “freedom?”

How does this freedom help us “love our neighbor?”

Do you have any rules or guidelines around screens in your life or your household? Explain them.

What are some challenges of setting screen time limits? Have you seen some positive results?


Read Galatians 5:16-17. Technology and marketing train us to give into our cravings and live more as consumers than contributors. What’s one way this week you can foster more Wall-E-like wonder in your life?

What’s one new way you experiment with limiting your exposure to technology for an extended period either daily or weekly?

Closing Prayer


All these flashing lights, fancy lifestyles, and fast results keep our souls thirsty for things that won’t satisfy. These Amazon and dopamine binges are like drinking salt water. Please give us a vision for a life free from slavery to our cravings. Teach us to consume in new, healthy ways that give us energy and inspiration to contribute.

All these distractions soak up our love and keep us from genuinely seeing ways to love our neighbor. So, transform all our technology into a tool—to connect with others, expedite our production, and engage us with meaningful stoies. Open our ears to hear your voice in everything. Open our eyes to see where you’re already working everywhere. Teach us to keep our lives balanced and directed by purpose. 

Please show us your vision for the world as it evolves. May we begin to see it as clearly as Jesus did. Teach us how to build it by following him. Satisfy us first with your loyal, unconditional love so we may experience deep joy.


Todd Ransom