Pixar, Week 2 - Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo

Starter Question

Did you ever go through a rebellious phase? Describe it.

What are some little ways you’ve rebelled against expectations (e.g., getting a tattoo, going to a certain college)?

Message Questions

What are some reasons we typically feel compelled to rebel at certain points in our life?

When our rebellion is against God’s intentions or instructions for how we live, how do we typically expect God to respond?

Describe Marlin’s response to Nemo’s “rebellion.” Why don’t we tend to think God responds to us like that?

Read Luke 15 (split it up). Jesus tells three interrelated stories. What are some observations or themes that stick out to you?

What’s the attitude or focus of the one who is searching in every case?

Read Romans 12:2. When we “get lost” pursuing all the wrong things and rebel, it’s oftentimes because we assume those things will make us happy or satisfied. What are some ways Jesus wants to transform our thinking and so transform what we pursue? Give some examples.


In what ways are you still lost? Is there idea you need installed in your mind that could help change it?

What are some ways you see people being lost around you? How do you think their thoughts need to be transformed?

This week identify one person who seems lost that you can invite into your life, to our church, or to Fall-O-Ween or a similar event.

Closing Prayer

Dear Father, who is looking for us,

This world is full of all kinds of currents. They pull us in so many different directions. It’s hard to tell how we can get back to you or what direction you’re coming for us.

Inspire us to look, wait, and hope where we are. Inspire us to get on the right path back toward you.

Comfort us by building our confidence that you’re on your way to finding us. Like a desperate father searching for a lost child, you’re looking to reunite with every being born in your image, including me. Including us.

For us, help light up the way back to you. Bring characters into our lives that point us in that direction. Teach us to embrace repentance, growth, and change.

We’ll see you soon. We’ll feel your presence soon. But please give us comfort and wisdom in the meantime.

Thank you for sending your son as part of the search party. He’s been very helpful in showing us the way so far.


Todd Ransom