Scarcity vs. Abundance

Message Questions

Read the Parable of the Three Servants in Matthew 25:14-30

When we read this parable, we may come to the conclusion that the master is a little too harsh on the servant who chose to bury the silver he was given. However, this parable is used in scripture to teach us about believing in abundance over scarcity.

  • Why do you think the the first two servants ‘invested’ the silver they were given?

  • Do you think the servant who hid his portion of silver was doing it from a place of fear?

  • When you think of this story…which servant do you think you would be?

Read Ephesians 3:20-21

  • When you think of the word abundance…what comes to your mind?

  • What do you think these verses mean by the ‘power that is at work within us’?

  • Imagine our generosity being done for personal gain only. What do you think this kind of mentality would do to our faith and heart towards others?

This week was all about the idea of abundance that we see throughout these scriptures but also the mindset of scarcity. Seeing our ability to give back through the mindset of scarcity can present a number of challenges and fear….

  • Do you struggle to surrender or believe in God’s abundance due to the feeling of scarcity in your life?

Closing group Challenge

For this week’s challenge we are going to do an exercise together to close out our group time. Find some pieces of paper to pass out to each person. Draw a line down the middle and write the word ‘scarcity’ at the top left side of the paper and the word ‘abundance’ across from it on the other side of the line.

Then take a few moments to do the following under each word:

  1. Under scarcity - write a list of all of the things or ways you are looking to God to provide (things you have not yet received but are in need of). These things can be practical, emotional, physical, spiritual, etc

  2. Under abundance - write a list of all the ways you have already seen God provide things for you. Also include things you are believing and asking God to provide even if you haven’t received them yet

Take this list home with you and place it somewhere you will see it everyday. Take moments throughout the week to talk with God about those things that you are struggling with. And the things that you have already seen Him provide or believe He will soon.


This whole season we are in as a Discovery family requires a great deal of faith, reliance, trust, and surrender towards God. Spend time as a group sharing prayer requests and praying for ways we can continually look to God to provide all that we need.

Weekly Reminders

  1. Commitment Sunday is this Sunday. Remember to pray about increasing or starting your journey of giving. Grab a commitment card this Sunday & drop it off before you leave!

Kaitlyn Sartori