Immeasurably More: Generosity with Tim Celek


What is one ‘materialist’ thing that means a lot to you?

Message Questions

Read 2 Timothy 3:1-2

We are no strangers to living in a world that is prideful and greedy. Our world will always tell us that what we earn or own, is ours and ours alone. But as we follow God we come to see that everything we own is God’s before it’s our own.

  • Do you tend to see your money or things you own as God’s first?

  • Do you see these verses in Timothy play out in our world today? How can we shed light in a greedy culture?

  • Why do you think it can be hard at times to give back to God even as Christians?

  • In what ways have you personally struggled or felt tempted to keep all of your resources to yourself?

Read Matthew 16:18

  • What does this verse tell you about God’s Church?

Pastor Tim talked about how giving to Discovery is supporting the ‘church’ that God is describing in Matthew 16:18. When we give to Discovery, it goes way beyond the immediate impact we see on Sunday mornings and towards an eternal perspective.

  • Do you see giving as a thing you ‘get to be apart of’ or something you ‘have to do’?

  • How have you seen the importance of giving (whether that’s time or resources or finances) impact the local church?

Close your time together by reading Romans 12:1-2 & Hebrews 9:28. Reflect on how Jesus sacrificed so much for us. Think on how God calls us to become more like Jesus. What does God’s heart of sacrifice challenge you to surrender?

Weekly Challenge

Read Luke 12:24-28 once each day. Let this be a reminder this week that God is the God of provision. We can often struggle to give back because of fear that we won’t have enough or that we will be without. These verses remind us to continually rely on and look to God to provide everything that we need, and more.


Dear God,

We come to you knowing that all that we have comes from you. Help us to keep sight of you as our true provider. When it gets easy to stray and to chase materialistic things in this world, help us to keep eternity in mind. We also know that you are a good God that desires to give your children good gifts. Give us the faith to know that we don’t live in scarcity or lack because you will provide all that we need.

It’s in your name that we place our trust & faith. Amen.

Weekly Reminders

  1. If you are on a serving team, make sure to come to our “Dream Team” Leader Huddle on Saturday November 11th at 9am

Kaitlyn Sartori