Week One - What is Rooted?

Launch Schedule

This is whole group gathering so everyone can meet their groups, recognizes the scope of this season, and set the tone for the whole season. Practically this is what the evening should look like:

1st Half - Whole Group

15 Minutes - Children’s classes, Registration, Groups meeting in the Great Room.

20 Minutes - Welcome & Challenge to Commit to Rooted

2nd Half - Individual Groups at Tables

Last minute additions may join your group at this time.

60 minutes - Leaders setting the tone, introducing themselves, planning logistics in the coming weeks.

A few things to remember:

  • Preparation. Read through page 25 of your Facilitator’s book. You will not need to come too early, but please be there by 6:00 PM.

  • You will be set the tone even more than we will for the next 10 weeks.

    • Pray for positivity. Some people will be seeing this as an inconvenience or a chore. There are spiritual forces that want to keep this from being all that it can be. Be sure to keep the whole scope of what you're doing in mind. This can and will change lives, if people truly engage this adventure. Realign yourself with why Jesus has called us to this and where Jesus wants to take your group. This is an exciting opportunity and don’t let anything take that away from you and your group!

    • If you set the bar high, people will meet that high bar. No one wants to be a part of something that isn't truly worthwhile. This is! But they will only experience the value if they’re able to engage and commit in the way it’s prescribed.

  • Tell your story.

    • Your level of vulnerability will determine their level of vulnerability from the beginning. You don’t have to talk about your darkest secret, but be wiling to be the first to open up and get uncomfortable.

    • You will also set the tone for content & length. Remember this portion of Rooted can easily get away from you in the future. So, be sure to model what you hope the next story-tellers will do.

  • Understand where they’re coming from.

    • Learn the expectations of each person in your group. Write them down and begin to pray over them from day one.

  • Confidentiality & Commitment Contract

    • They’re going to get out of it what they put into it. If they can’t commit to this, maybe another season would be better. Their payment will always be good.

    • Consistently reiterate that what is said here, cannot leave this place. Emphasize creating a safe space.

  • Establish the logistics.

    • Give them clarity on when to start reading the daily devotions.

    • Definitely get a date out there for your Prayer Experience. Try to find a venue that’s a little different, though you can absolutely do that in your regular space. Your group might have some ideas about interesting places. This will be a little tough and a little weirder without likely being able to use outdoor space.

    • Try to establish your Serving Experience too.


One of the best ways to keep the weekly ideas and rhythms of Rooted in front of your group is by utilizing these phone wallpapers. Feel free to share this link with your group: discovertogether.com/wallpapers

Todd Ransom